
Trauma Therapy in Bristol  

Overcome traumatic experiences in your past and feel free to live life joyfully. I specialise in trauma therapy to help you process and clear frightening, distressing and painful memories. Processing difficult memories is one of the most useful parts of therapy because all unresolved trauma memories leave us with negative beliefs about ourselves which damage our self esteem.  I can help with processing remembered memories, pre-verbal ( age 0 - 3 years ) and pre-birth memories.

A Safe Place

I provide you with a safe space to resolve the experiences that are holding you back in life.    I  help people recover from  post-traumatic stress disorder  and survivors of a variety of experiences  including:

  • Life-threatening events
  • Childhood abuse
  • Childhood neglect
  • Medical trauma 
  • Rape
  • Physical violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • War
  • Displacement
  • Bullying
  • Bereavement and loss

Therapy Methods

My integrative relationship based counselling style includes the specialist technique of EMDR therapy, as well as:

  • Transactional analysis
  • Gestalt experiments
  • Attachment theory
  • Internal family systems
  • Sensorimotor methods

Compassion towards ourselves

I am optimistic about personal change if we are able to think about our experiences and our influences and develop a more compassionate feeling towards ourselves.  

We do best with a therapy which is specifically tailored to our individual needs.  I offer an approach that works well for your personality and temperament.  Our relationship is important to the counselling process, so I work with you to develop a feeling of trust and confidence.

 What is EMDR Therapy?

Rid yourself of difficult and upsetting memories with Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy from Treasured Space.   I introduce you to this simple and effective technique to address your past traumatic experiences.  Most depression is a result of repeated traumas which can be cleared using this method.  We learn to be depressed and we can unlearn this using EMDR.


Regain control of your peace and happiness thanks to this PTSD treatment. My knowledge of this method means that together we access your whole memory system and integrate traumatic memories into your normal memory bank.

Recall difficult memories and their associated thoughts, emotions, and body sensations while remaining in a safe environment.  Both sides of your  brain are fully involved during the EMDR process using bilateral stimulation through eye movements, tapping, or the use of buzzers in your hands.

This method is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) as an effective treatment for PTSD.


Jan helped me through one of the most difficult periods in my life. She created a safe space and I felt very comfortable with her.   After trying other therapies over the years I found EMDR with Jan's guidance to be extremely effective.  Jan is a highly skilled therapist with a genuine compassion for her clients.   The therapy was truly life changing for me.     Larry   Age 43

 Jan has skilfully guided me from my contemporary emotional and inter-personal problems to their source childhood memories which we have then worked on with EMDR.  I am becoming more assertive and better emotionally regulated through this work.   For the first time, after accessing different therapies in the past, I feel as though something is making a real difference. I trust Jan and this process!             Ruby   Age 29

 After several attempts at different kinds of therapies, I turned to EMDR for my Complex PTSD.   I have been working with Jan for over three years.   EMDR is challenging, tiring and requires commitment.  However, the progress I have made has been enormous. Generations of intergenerational trauma is being faced head-on and dismantled and I am starting to trust in myself for the first time in my life.   These have, and continue to be transformative years for me and I put that down to Jan's kindness, unflinching honesty and wealth of experience and knowledge. Daisy Age 30

 From our first meeting, Jan’s resolve to help, her intelligence and compassion were strikingly apparent. The EMDR work she did with me has brought me through what seemed an interminable struggle with PTSD, and she has made it possible to accept the positive outcome I was certain for so long was impossible.   Findlay   Age 57


Reflecting on this journey, I can't help but acknowledge the profound impact that EMDR therapy with you has had on my life. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made, and it has brought me to places I never imagined possible.  I wanted to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to you. Your guidance, empathy, and expertise have been an incredible gift throughout this journey. Whatever happens in the future, please know that your impact on my life will always be cherished.    Lawrence age 40

About Me

I began counselling in 2007 after working as a doctor for children and young people in the UK, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East for many years.  Treasured Space was established in 2012 and has helped survivors of a variety of experiences  including poor parenting, sexual abuse, relationship trauma,  assaults,  military trauma, bullying,  school trauma,  bereavements and medical traumas.

Qualified & Accredited

I have gained extensive experience working in services for general counselling, childhood and adult sexual trauma, alcohol misuse and an NHS Post Traumatic Stress Disorder clinic.  My qualifications include a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling from the University of Bristol, and a Diploma in Clinical Supervision and Consultancy from the NAOS Institute.  I am a Trauma Therapist and an  EMDR Consultant.  I follow Ethical Guidelines.  


Jan Marion


Phone:  07771 361 006

I currently work online only and have found that clients find it easy and much less effort than travelling to face to face sessions.

Website Privacy Statement 

This statement confirms how I, Jan Marion of and Treasured Space Counselling use and protect any information that you give to me when you use this service.  I am committed to safeguarding and protecting your information. If I ask you for any information then it will only be used according to this privacy statement.  I may change this policy from time to time in line with legislation and I advise that you check this page from time to time to be aware of any changes. This policy is effective from May 2018.

 By continuing to use my website you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy and agreeing to my use of cookies described below. Any changes to this policy will be on this page and if relevant will be notified you by email.  For the purpose of Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation 2016 Jan Marion is the data controller of Treasured Space Counselling.

Information collected 

Like most websites my website uses Google Analytics (GA). This data is used to look at the number of people using the site and how they find it and how they journey through the website. It also records your IP address which can personally identify you. Google do not give me access to this.  You may also give me information such as your name, address and telephone number by completing the form on my site or by contacting me by telephone or email.   Where necessary, to act in your best interests, I may need to process information that is sensitive in nature such as health information. In some circumstances I may need to share this information with a third party such as a GP. I would advise that you do not share personal sensitive information on my website but if you choose to do so, then you will be allowing me to process it as part of my services to you.


My site does use cookies in order to distinguish you from other users. You are able to disable cookies which will prevent your visit being tracked. Some cookies are essential for the website to work properly. I would advise you to review and if necessary disable cookies on your internet browser regularly. Please see  to provide you with information about cookies and for advice about deleting and managing cookies.   

How I store information 

If you contact me via my ‘Contact Me’ form, no data will be stored by the website or passed to any third party. All data will be transferred and stored within the European Economic Area. How you transmit data onto my site is at your risk and I cannot guarantee the safety of this. Once I have received your data then I have procedures and security to ensure I do my best to safeguard your information and prevent unauthorised access. My website is protected by SSL so that the email content is encrypted before being sent over the internet.  

How I use information 

I use information in order to:

·         carry out the contract between yourself and me and provide you with the services that you request from me.

·         administer my website, data analysis, statistical and survey purposes.

·         enable improvements to the website.

·         keep the website safe and secure.

·         keep records such as client hours.

·         run and maintain my business ie for financial records.

·         let you know of changes to my service. 


I will store information for no longer than 7 years in accordance with the directions of my professional insurance company. Some information such as texts may be deleted immediately. My computer is password protected to ensure the safety and protection of your information.   I keep brief handwritten notes recording the themes of our sessions. These are stored in a locked filing cabinet and destroyed 5 years after your counselling sessions end unless agreed otherwise. In the case of supervision notes these will be kept for 5 years. Your contact and appointment details will be kept for 5 years and then destroyed unless agreed otherwise. Any emails, texts, whatsapp messages or other communications will be deleted after receipt unless they form part of your notes or are needed for income tax purposes in which case they will be kept for 5 years as above. Your telephone number will be stored on my mobile phone only until your sessions end at which point it will be deleted. If I change telephones then your details will be deleted on the old phone. All electronic information will be securely deleted by a specialist software programme.

 Access to information 

You can request access to the personal information that I hold on you. Except in limited circumstances when I am not permitted to do so for legal reasons, I will provide this information to you within one month.  If you feel that any information that I hold about you is inaccurate then you are able to ask me to update your information. If you want me to delete your information please do so in writing and I will endeavour to do so unless I need to keep it for legal or internal business purposes.


If you wish to contact me with questions, concerns, complaints or request for your information then please contact me by   email: 

 Data Protection Registration Number   ZA404607.